My 3 part framework when looking for a new hire

Looking for a new hire? Then listen up, my friend!👂

Whether you’re looking to hire a chair renter, an employee or a freelancer, there are 3 specific steps to make sure you attract the right fit for you and your business. 🙌🏻

Part ONE: Be specific! Write it down and talk it out with another peer, friend or family member. Better yet, join a group of like-minded stylists who have a similar mindset as you and strategize with them. 💃🏻

Here’s a few examples of the specifics you might have when looking to attract a chair renter that vibes with you and your salon:

-she’s positive & kind

-available to work on Saturdays and Sundays

-trustworthy & responsible

-is willing to participate in quarterly salon events

-has positive references from past salons

Part TWO: Go look for her! Yes, working with your friends or people you know are great (as long as they meet your specific criteria), but make sure they know what you’re expecting. ⭐️

Look at other salon suites in your area, look in private Facebook groups, ask clients, friends and family if they know someone who would be a good fit for you and your business.

The LAST thing you want to worry about is hiring someone that ends up being a nightmare. So if you’re thorough and specific about WHO you’re looking for, then this won’t be a stressful situation. 🎉

Part THREE (this is the most important part!): Make sure you have a clear onboarding system. What do you expect from this chair renter/employee/freelancer? Make a list and ask them to sign off on it before they start working for you.

I’ve hired many people on my team. I’ve coached many stylists inside my online programs through this exact framework. And GUESS what? It works! 💁🏻‍♀️

There’s ease, cohesiveness and mutual respect with people who you hire to work on your team when you implement this three part framework. 👏🏻

Questions about this process? Comment below and let me know. I’d love to help you out!
