The Gina Scalpone Podcast

This is a podcast for entrepreneurs in all industries to learn tactical tips on how to grow businesses to support a life you love!  

In this episode I’m sharing my 5 step framework that works like MAGIC when it comes to getting/staying organized in your business, managing your time, finding balance and setting clear goals. I hope you find this information so helpful. Send me a DM on Instagram and let me know what your biggest takeaway was after listening. 

If you don’t have any clients in your chair to record content on, we’re going to cover what content to create that gets engagement! It’s simple and effective strategies and I know you’re going to find so much value in these ideas. I’m also going to cover:

1-Ideas and suggestions on how to record content around the salon

2-how to specifically highlight your favorite products

3-how, when and why setting aside time for this in your schedule is important  

Hairstylist: “Why would a Hairstylist rent from me and not from the salon down the street?“

Great question! My answer is: You’re going to lead with the benefits of them renting from you. You’re going to lead with why your salon space is so amazing. You’re going to lead with specific ways your salon stands out from the crowd. You’re going to lead with examples of other happy chair renters that are currently renting from you. 

In this podcast episode, I’m sharing exactly how to attract the type of stylist you want in your salon and, even more important, how to keep them! 

Are you the type of person who proactively seeks out ideal clients? Or are you the type who sits back and waits for your clients to contact you when they’re due for an appointment? Maybe you’re a little bit of both. I’m sharing 3 specific ways to attract more income in your business by being proactive in your approach. I can’t wait for you to tune in because I know you’re going to find these ideas so helpful and valuable. 

Business is good. Your chair is filled up with ideal clients. You’re working the schedule that you love! Things are going really good. BUT… you’re a little bored, you feel like there’s something more, you see others doing/having what YOU want. I get it. These ideas and strategies in this episode will help with your mindset PLUS I’m sharing simple action items to start that pivot.

You’re not showing up online and you’re not sure why. Sure, you tell yourself you don’t have the time-but that’s not really the truth. You look at others’ social accounts and they look AMAZING. They have beautiful pictures, they’re showing up several times a week and you can’t keep your eyes off of their accounts. When you look at your own, it looks blah and lackluster and it’s definitely not consistent. Let me debunk the 5 reasons why you’re not showing up online and let’s CHANGE that. I know you’re going to love this episode, tune in now!

Raise your hand if you’ve thought this or are thinking ANY of this right now!

  • I can’t sit down to eat, I’m booked up all day! There’s no time for eating.
  • Some of my clients are disrespectful and cancel last minute, but I guess it’s just the name of the game with this industry.
  • My clients think that buying products on Amazon is a good idea.
  • I’m barely paying my bills, but I love what I do for a living so that’s ok.

THIS IS bananas, friends! This lifestyle will lead to burn out AND you’ll get sick of being a stylist if you stay on this path! Tune in to this episode where we dissect each one of these mindset blocks. After listening, head on over to my Instagram account and leave your biggest takeaway via DM! I’d love to hear from you.

Do you have many things that you’re passionate about, friend? I know I sure do! In my business I offer hairstyling services, wardrobe editing services, I sell hair product, custom accessories, wigs and clip-in extensions to my clients. In addition, I have two online programs where I teach other Hairstylists how to market, grow and scale their business. I’ve learned through trial and error how to streamline my business so there’s minimal burnout while offering all of these services to my amazing clients and the stylists inside my online communities. I’m peeling back the curtain and sharing how it looks in my business to be a multi-passionate entrepreneur.

This is THE best strategy for upleveling your skills as a business owner. It’s not that hard to implement, it helps you stay top of mind for existing and new clients and it makes you stand out from the crowd as a Hairstylist. I can’t wait for you to listen to this episode and start implementing this strategy in your business.

I’m sharing the most effective (and easy) way to build up your bridal business in this podcast episode! Hint, hint: When you implement this strategy, you’ll have others doing the marketing for you. 

Did you know it’s 5X’s easier to sell to someone who’s already purchased from you?

It’s true! (Google it if you don’t believe me :))

I see so many Hairstylists stressing about their social media schedule. I like the idea of showing up online in hopes that your clients will see your post and then be reminded to contact you to make their hair appointment.

However, there’s a much easier way to fill up your books and create more income.

It’s called the 90/90 Rule. I’m explaining exactly how to implement this strategy in your business in this episode.

“Do you find for travel wedding hair this is reasonable?

Bride: $225

Bridesmaids/MOB/MOG: $150

It’s a 40 minute drive so that includes travel.

My client said she wasn’t quite ready for that but is going forward with it. Her mother sees it as “just curl styles” and is opting out- which is fine. You know it gets you questioning yourself though. I know we need to know our worth and time too.”


This is a question that popped up inside a private Facebook community that I’m in with loads of other Hairstylists. Recently, I shared my thoughts, ideas and strategies around this topic in a training that I hosted! I’m hoping it will help you out as well. Tune in to my new podcast episode where we’re discussing the popular topic: charging your worth.


Are you the type of person that loves a sneak peek or a behind-the-scenes of how someone lives their life? I know I am! I think most of us are curious/nosy by nature. In this podcast episode, I’m sharing what a day in the life looks like for me. I got inspired by a friend who asked me: “Gina, are you working today?” I wasn’t styling hair that day, but I was working on my online business. I went off on tangent, trying to explain what I do when I’m “working” when there isn’t a client in my chair. I could literally talk about my business all day long, I love it so much! In the online world it’s hard to sum up exactly what you do on a day-to-day basis, but today I did that for you and I hope you enjoy it! If you’d like to see more of episodes like this, head to my Instagram account and send me a private message to let me know!


You guys, this girl is making $228 an hour and graduated Cosmetology school in January of 2020! At the time of this podcast episode going live, that’s only 4 years ago!! Did I mention she was building up her business during the start of a global pandemic?!

I wanted to interview this powerhouse of a stylist, Brit, who’s a Glamhairus Academy alumni because I want her story to inspire you! And I know it will!!

Her attitude was (and still is) failure is not an option. Tune in now!

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, this podcast is for you!

If you are saying ANY of this to yourself right now, this podcast is for you:

“I’m burning the candle at both ends.”

“Time management is a problem for me.”

“I need to sell my products online.”

“I want a more steady income.”

“I need more accountability.”

“I know I have something great to offer.”

“I know there’s something more.”

“I want to cut back my schedule behind the chair.”

I’ve been on HUNDREDS of sales calls with stylists that are considering going through my program, Glamhairus Academy.

I take notes. Lots of notes. Copious amount of notes when I’m chatting with them and this is what they are saying.

If this is you, I can help. Tune in now to hear how my strategies might help you out. Xo~Gina 

If you want insight on how often, the best time of year and how to communicate your price increase with your clients, then you’re going to LOVE this episode. It’s a hot topic, so tune in now!

“What services do you specialize in?”

That’s a question I had for a new member inside my private Facebook community.

She responded with: “I’m not sure I have a specialty honestly.”

In this episode, we’re going to cover why it’s important to clearly identify your speciality and how you can 3 X your income with it!

Do you want to learn how to get a cash injection in your business? I’m sharing exactly how I did it my own business- which lead to thousands of dollars for me during one of my SLOW months! I think anyone can incorporate this strategy into their business to create more income FAST! Tune in now.

Looking to fill up your books? Are you currently reaching out to your existing clients to get them back on your schedule? If you’re not, then this podcast episode is for you! I’m sharing a simple strategy that will guarantee more money in your bank account. Plus, it’s beneficial for your clients because you’re providing a better service experience with this strategy as well. You’re going to want to take notes, this episode is juicy!

Are you discounting your hair services and retail products for way too many people? Are you drained by the amount of free services you’re giving away every single week? I have good news: I can help you out! In this episode, I’m sharing a Q&A from group coaching that I host inside Glamhairus Academy, my online program. We went over exactly how to adjust our mindset around this topic and how to go about changing this up so it doesn’t feel scary or overwhelming.

If you’re frustrated because you can’t get your clients to buy from you, then this is the podcast episode for you. Jennifer sent me this private message on Facebook: “I can’t get anyone to buy my extensions. I have continually offered free installation with purchase of the hair, which I feel is a good deal, but maybe it’s not. Can you help me with this?” After listening, screen shot the episode on your phone and tag me on Instagram (@Glamhairus) so it spreads the word and others can benefit from the information as well.

This is a MUST listen if you’re busy, overwhelmed and stressed out! I’m sharing this training from my weekly Ask Me Anything show that I host inside my private Facebook group! I hope the ideas and strategies help you have more time in your busy schedule and feel more excited about planning out a productive week.

If you’re booked solid and are not fulfilled, comparing yourself to others or doubting your skills and abilities, you are not lazy-you’re burned out! Tune in to this podcast episode now, if you can relate to any of the above. Xo~Gina

What percentage of Ideal Clients are in your chair? Is it 50%? Is it 60%? Just because you’re a Hairstylist, that doesn’t mean you should take anyone with any type of service that wants to sit in your chair. You should (and can) have ONLY services and clients in your chair that light you up. I’m sharing my secrets on how to identify, attract and market to your Ideal Client in this podcast episode. Learn more about Glamhairus Academy here

I’m spilling the tea about my absolute favorite benefit of going through my online program, Glamhairus Academy!

Check out the program here. 

It’s my tried and true strategy on how to have more structure in your life!

Here’s why: As creative entrepreneurs we typically hate structure. It feels suffocating, boring and, quite frankly, it’s the LAST thing we want to adapt into our life!

But guess what?? It’s the thing we NEED the most!

Tune in now- I hope you enjoy this podcast episode.

All you multi-passionate Entrepreneurs out there NEED to listen to this podcast episode before you start a new project! So many Hairstylists that I coach have this “thing” called Shiny Object Syndrome. (I did too!) We start a project, we don’t give it 100% for as long as we KNOW we need to, then we jump ship and start a new project or offer a new service into our business. Now, I’m not saying that it’s a bad idea to offer a new service -I did that in my own business with services like Wardrobe Editing, selling custom accessories, wigs and clip-in extensions. BUT, I had a full book of business before I tried incorporating new services into my business. I wasn’t trying to replace the income that I wasn’t creating with the clients that I had. I hope this episode gives you inspiration, insight and gets you to pause before you bring on another new offer.

“I have issues with time management!” This is what SO many hairstylists tell me. The good thing is, I have just the strategy for YOU if that’s how you feel as well. It’s a simple exercise called time blocking. Tune in to this episode to hear how to have a more empowering work-life balance. This is a training from my private Facebook group, where I teach other hairstylists how to have a business and life they LOVE!

When you identify who you want in your chair (aka your Ideal Client), you can fine tune your marketing skills to attract more of that type of client. If you own your own hairstyling business and you have clients or services in your chair that you don’t want or they don’t light you up, then there’s room for growth and improvement! Tune in to learn about my 5 secrets to attract high paying clients.

Do you want to build up your clientele? Tune in to this podcast episode where I coached LeeAnn, a seasoned Hairstylist, on her question:

“I’ve been building my clientele in a whole new state for the last 10 months…

Social media/advertising/marketing is what’s overwhelming me the most. I just don’t know where to start and I really want to work on my brand too!

I just got so used to knowing everyone in town and word of mouth being “it” that now that I have to actually use social media for work I’m like YIKES I’M SO OLD.”

Are you working on rebranding yourself and your business this year? Yes? Great! You’ll love this podcast episode where I’m sharing my strategy on this question from a fellow Hairstylist:

“I’m rebranding everything this year to build towards opening my own salon. Can you tell me what the best platforms are for new engagement? Also, which is best: photos, reels or posts?” Tune in now! 

If you’re anything like me, you have loads of ideas that you want to get out into the world. While that’s great, sometimes, it can lead to burn-out. The worst part is, that you don’t actually get your ideas out into the world because you want to do all of them at once! So then, you feel depleted. If you can relate, then you’re going to love this podcast episode that I’m sharing from my weekly Ask Me Anything show.

Jessica sent me a private message saying this:

“I struggle with social media. It’s the new way to advertise/connect. I just don’t know how to capture great photos or videos and I need to learn how to think outside the box.”

If you’ve thought the same thing, friend, you’re in luck! I’m sharing my advice on this topic in this episode. I hope it helps you out! 

This ONE strategy, once implemented, will make a huge difference in your business! I know that’s a bold statement. However… I’ve experienced so many sales with this technique and have shared this strategy and walked my students through implementing the strategy in their own business. So I know it works. Tune in now to learn about the marketing strategy that will increase your sales instantly.

Are you a “recovered perfectionist” like me? If you feel like perfectionism slows you down in your business, then you’re going to LOVE this podcast episode! Tune in now to hear my mindset advice on perfectionism.

In my private Facebook group I do the best I can to serve and help other Hairstylists with their business and mindset struggles. This was a Live training where I coached LeeAnn on her question:

“I’ve been building my clientele in a whole new state for the last 10 months. Social media/advertising/marketing is what’s overwhelming me the most. I just don’t know where to start and I really want to work on my brand too! I just got so used to knowing everyone in town and word of mouth being “it” that now that I have to actually use social media for work I’m like YIKES I’M SO OLD.”

Can you relate to this struggle too? Tune in now and check out what my A to her Q was! I hope you find these strategies helpful and inspiring.

Are you as excited for the new year as I am, friend? I love the beginning of a new year! We get to try new things, we get to tweak our mindset, we get to have a refresh with how we manage our daily lives, etc. On this episode, I’m sharing five old limiting beliefs that I hear often from other students inside my online programs and five simple ways to change the narrative of those old belief systems. Tune in now (before the year ends) and get a mini mindset refresh.

Today on the podcast, I’m sharing a conversation where I was the person being interviewed! I’m sharing behind the scenes of how to turn prospects in the customers! This strategy works with anything you’re trying to sell, whether it’s products to clients or possibly it’s an upsell to a potential client or selling an online program. Tune in now, I think you’re going to love it! 

How do you feel about discounting your hair services to friends and family? Do you have a system put in place that’s fair to you AND the people that you’re discounting your services to? That’s what we’re talking about on this podcast episode. Tune in and check out what my strategy is regarding this topic!

How do you feel about taking a deposit for a high ticket hair service? Are you into it? Is it a no-go? This question was submitted by one of the students inside Glamhairus Academy for our weekly group coaching. Tune in now to hear my ideas and strategies around this topic. Hopefully this podcast episode will give you some insight to create and communicate clear boundaries with your clients. 

Inside Glamhairus Academy, my signature course, I host a weekly Q&A with my students as they go through the 9 week program. One of my students asked me what the best strategy was for pre-booking clients for their next hair appointment. Guess what? I’m sharing that information with you! So tune in now and check it out. 🙂 

I don’t know about you, but I like my books consistently busy throughout the year. One way to make sure that happens is by marketing yourself consistently, and another really strategic way is by creating a cash injection in your business. It’s beneficial for you and your clients! Tune in to see how I created a cash injection in my own business and how you can too! 

Sharee sent this question to me inside my private Facebook group: “I need help with pricing and marketing on social. For example: How to know what to charge for a color service as well as for braids and natural style. And how to market yourself to advance as a stylist.”

If you want to know how to go about pricing your amazing services, then tune in to this coaching session that I hosted during my weekly Ask Me Anything show! 

Flash fire Q&A! Are you ready for some fun? In this episode, I pulled 6 JUICY questions from my weekly Ask Me Anything show (that I host inside my private Facebook group) and I’m going to share my answers with you!

Here they are:

1-How do you know what to post on social media?

2-How can I be confident in my hair cutting services and not compare myself to my neighbor?

3-How do you convince a client that they need an add-on service (reconstructor, color enhancer, eyebrow wax, etc.) without making them feel that it’s a money thing?

4-How do I get people to engage with my post so they go from followers on social to customers in my chair?

5-When I think about planning out my content for instagram – should I always focus on teaching them something? I always want to provide value – so have a hard time posting unrelated content or content around myself/business. I know that’s a thought shift, but do you always teach something for the most part?

6-How do I deal with clients when I become sick, like an unexpected sickness? Pregnancy/covid/what’s the protocol?

During live coaching on my Ask Me Anything show, Cleo had this burning question for me: “What are some ideas to bring more money into my salon?” I just LOVE this question because so many hairstylists ask me this question. It’s really simple. My follow up question is usually: “How do you go about marketing your amazing business?” Your clients need to see the “behind the curtain” of how your business and your brain works in order to pay premium pricing AND refer their amazing friends to you. You need to stay “top of mind” when they aren’t in your chair. Not so they don’t forget about you, but rather, so they get back on your books for their appointment sooner rather than later or they ask you about the hairspray you’re referencing on a social media post. I’m sharing a few simple strategies in this episode and I can’t wait for you to tune in!

Do you want to have more online presence, friend? Of course you do! Who doesn’t?! 🙂 Tune in now and take this quiz to see where you’re at with posting online. Once you take the quiz and figure out where you’re at, I’m going to help you up level your business.

Mindset mindset mindset. Oh that funny little thing we have to, as business owners, constantly shift/change/tweak! In this episode, I’m sharing how I had to work on my mindset as a new mom and how it parallels “mindset work” when running a business. Tune in now my friend! 

Are you too busy to post on social media or is it that you just don’t want to take the time? Either is fine! Just be realistic and honest with yourself, my friend. Tune in to this podcast episode if you want 3 simple strategies to get motivated to post online.

Every Monday at 6:30 pm CST I feature a new hairstylist on my Ask Me Anything show.

Recently, I featured Tasha and her question was this:

“I have a new service that I have not had a lot of practice with. However I have someone inquiring about the service….how can I communicate this to the client without discouraging the client and how or should this be a free service?”

I’ve had a LOT of practice (over the last 12 years in my own business) incorporating outside passions of mine into my business while making money on them. In my opinion, it simply comes down to how you market the new product or service to your client while she’s in your chair AND how you promote it online.

Here’s a few outside passions I’ve incorporated into my business over the years:

➡️ wardrobe editing

➡️ selling custom wigs, clip-in extensions and custom accessories

➡️ in-home beauty parties

➡️ hair styling lessons

If you’d like to see more info about ANY of this, check out my website!

If you want to know HOW to incorporate a new service into your business, you’re going to LOVE this coaching session.

Tune in now to check it out!

Do you want a better way to have work/life balance? In this episode, I’m sharing five ways to become more efficient as a small business owner! That includes getting your tasks done and incorporating important personal priorities into your life. I hope this podcast episode inspires you to be more efficient! XO (P.S. If you hear my little baby crying in the background at the very end of the episode, that’s my version of being efficient. I hit record while she was taking a nap and didn’t quite finish before she woke up. :)) 

Are you confused or overwhelmed when it comes to using hashtags to promote your business on Instagram? I have a simple 3 step strategy to attracting your ideal client by way of hashtags. Tune in to this podcast now to see what they are! Xo

There’s always an underlying question when a small business owner reaches out to me for help. Thomas sent me a private message on Facebook wanting help with budgeting for his business. We got on a strategy call before he was featured on the podcast and, it turns out, that wasn’t really the “question/problem”. Can you guess what it was? Tune in to find out! (P.S. It’s the ONE thing I wish I did when I started my own company 12 years ago!)

Don’t you just hate when you have a slow week with clients? Does that leave you feeling down in the dumps? If so, I got you boo! In this podcast episode, I’m sharing 5 tactical steps to boost your mood, market your business (with a strategy), and get more clients in your chair! Enjoy! 

Recently on my Ask Me Anything show Vanessa wanted help with these topics: 1) How do I attract more clients, I live in a small town? 2) How do I make more money with color services? 3) What are some ways to get booked with at least 5 clients a day? 4) How do I know if my price change recently is scaring away clients? Have you ever asked yourself those same questions? If the answer is yes, then you’re in for a treat! Tune in to see how I answered all of Vanessa’s burning questions.

Do you ever feel unmotivated? Do you ever feel like you’re in a rut? Not sure what to do about it? Then I’ve got the episode for you!! Tune in to this podcast episode to learn three ways to get out of an unmotivated rut.

Are you getting feedback from your clients about your services? If you are, excellent! If you aren’t, I hope this podcast will inspire you to take ACTION and do so! Why should you get them from your clients in the first place?
1. Once you get the feedback in the form of a survey, you can course-correct if need be.
2. You can use your client feedback as social proof (on your blog, website, social media accounts or newsletters), and showcase that your work is amazing. Tune in now to hear my strategies on this idea.

Are you getting feedback from your clients about your services? If you are, excellent! If you aren’t, I hope this podcast will inspire you to take ACTION and do so! Why should you get them from your clients in the first place?

1. Once you get the feedback in the form of a survey, you can course correct if need be.

2. You can use your client feedback as social proof (on your blog, website, social media accounts or newsletters), and showcase that your work is amazing. Tune in now to hear my strategies on this idea. Xo

In this episode, I coached Brandi on how to find really good booth renters at her salon. She’s looking to hire several technicians: hairstylists, nail technicians, etc.

If you’ve ever had an issue (or maybe this is your first time) hiring employees, freelancers or booth renters, this is the episode for you! Tune in to learn my 7 step strategy that works like a charm!

This is JUICY, friends! I often get questions inside my private Facebook community where other stylists are asking me how to find more clients online. I have a proven strategy that I teach inside my online program Glamhairus Academy, that works like a charm. Guess what? I’m sharing a sneak peek of this idea on today’s podcast episode.

This is JUICY, friends! I often get questions inside my private Facebook community where other stylists are asking me how to find more clients online. I have a proven strategy, that I teach inside my online program Glamhairus Academy, that works like a charm. Guess what? I’m sharing a sneak peek of this idea on today’s podcast episode.

Do you want to learn how to maximize your profits? Of course you do! I’m sharing 5 simple steps in this podcast episode. New to me? Start here!

It’s CELEBRATION time!🎉 This is my 100th podcast episode! Will you celebrate with me by holding up a glass of whatever you’re drinking (coffee, Lacroix or, perhaps, bubbly) and celebrate with me?! What was once a tiny, little, inkling of an idea is a now a reality! Woo-hoo! Keep following YOUR dreams my friend, one day at a time, one step at a time! Now back to business… 🙂 This episode was from my Ask Me Anything show that I host inside my private Facebook group. Tiffany had this question for me: “How do I get and keep my books filled up? I want to be fully booked out for months. I just don’t know how. Help!”

In this podcast episode I’m combining my secret 90/90 Rule with how to create more income with less clients in your chair and by showing up online consistently! Check, check AND check! This episode has loads of goodies inside and I hope you find value in it, my friend!!

Is your business perfect? Are you booked solid every day and have clients in your chair that adore you? Do you feel amazing that your clients feel amazing when they leave your chair? Great! Now let’s see what’s missing. Let’s reflect on what our roadblocks are in our business. As stylists, we tend to be so happy that we get to do what we do, that we miss some of the “negative” things going on in our business! Today’s podcast is about finding roadblocks in our business and working on them. Xo~Gina

I got a private message from a fellow hairstylist saying this: “I’ve been following you for a while now and I listen to your podcast. I’m a business owner in a small town and I’d really like to figure out what the next step in my career is. I wondered how you got into this and if you had any advice for me.” I think this is such an insightful question! I’m sharing my process, with the many twists and turns, of being a business owner for the last 12 years. I hope you find this episode aspirational and inspirational, friend! New to me? Start here!

I got a private message from a fellow hairstylist saying this: “I’ve been following you for a while now and I listen to your podcast. I’m a business owner in a small town and I’d really like to figure out what the next step in my career is. I wondered how you got into this and if you had any advice for me.” I think this is such an insightful question! I’m sharing my process, with the many twists and turns, of being a business owner for the last 12 years. I hope you find this episode aspirational and inspirational, friend!

Have you ever thought about reaching out to a client you haven’t seen in a while to get her back in your chair? That’s exactly what Kayla had a question about for my weekly Ask Me Anything show.

Here’s her Q: “Do you think reaching out to past clients you haven’t seen in awhile is a good idea or comes off as begging for their business?”

I love this question! Tune in to hear what my strategies are regarding this topic.

Have you ever heard things like this from your clients when you try to enforce your cancellation policy, friend?

1- “I’ve never cancelled before, why now is there a fee?”
2- “I thought we were friends!”
3- “I’m a loyal client, why would you charge me for canceling?”

If you have, I feel you, friend! I have too! That’s exactly what this podcast episode is all about: how to create and communicate your cancellation policies with your clients

Part of the onboarding process when new students enroll in my program Glamhairus Academy, is a complementary 60 minute coaching call. In today’s podcast episode, I’m sharing a sneak peek of a coaching call that I had with one of my new students. This strategy is so simple, affective and efficient! (And it works!) I’m sharing exactly how to identify what your favorite service is, what your higher ticket service is, promote that service online AND attract more of that service in your chair! This is a jam packed episode my friend, and I know you’re going to enjoy it. New to me? Start here

Hello friend! Click here to learn more (or join!) Glamhairus Academy.

Do you ever get tripped up when creating content online? Like you literally don’t know what to say when you’re sharing a before and after hair picture? (Aside from “before and after”!) Do you ever say to yourself, “I wish I had more of X client in my chair!” Do you know WHY you’re getting tripped up with this?! It’s because you haven’t clearly identified who your ideal client is! Once you do, the rest is easy breezy. 🙂 Tune in to this podcast episode immediately to learn my strategy on how to identify your ideal client!! XOXO~Gina

Join Glamhairus Academy here:

You’re in for a treat today my friend! This is what we’re discussing in this podcast episode:

✔️How do you overcome pricing guilt? I know my work is worth more than I’m charging, but I feel bad for asking for it.

✔️Social media is very overwhelming, I want to do more than just post pictures, I want to have a SM presence and give more than just before and after pictures.

Also, my following isn’t big at all, I’d love to expand over all platforms.

✔️Branding myself-I don’t want to be lost in the mix, I feel like my work stands out, and I would like to as well. This is exactly what Amber wanted coaching on just last week and I’m sharing my answers here with you! Enjoy…XO~Gina

Hey there friend! I’m sharing a sneak peak of my upcoming Masterclass Series on today’s podcast episode! I hope you enjoy the episode and I hope to see you at my class! Here’s the link to join


Let’s chat about being in control of our schedule as a hairstylist.

I’m talking the days/hours we work, who actually sits in our chair, how we go about pricing our amazing services AND being consistently filled up all year long.

Tune in to hear my advice on how to strategically marketing yourself online to take your power back!


Hello 2022!🎉

Are you as excited for a new year as I am?

In this podcast episode, I’m sharing my top 5 business strategies/advice for a brand new year!

After listening, find me on Instagram (@Glamhairus) and send me a DM with which idea resonated with you the most.


Are you starting over in your business? Moving across the state or across the country?

That means you might have to change things up with how you’ve previously been doing things in your business!

In this podcast episode, I’m sharing how to adjust your mindset around marketing your business when you’re starting over. Plus, how to turn those followers into customers. AND I’m sharing my 5 minute buffer strategy that works like a charm so you never have the excuse, “I forgot to take pictures of my work and I have nothing to share on social!”

Enjoy! ~Gina

As a service-based business owner, who’s busy season happens to be right around the holiday rush, the last thing you’re probably thinking about is self care!

Am I right?

You’re probably thinking, “I just need to get through this darn day!”

I’d like to challenge you to, perhaps, think differently about how you’ve always thought.

In this podcast episode, I’m sharing 5 ways to make self care a priority during the holidays! Xo~Gina

Crystal was a featured guest on my weekly show, Ask Me Anything. She wanted to know how to go about charging her worth, how to let her clients know that her prices will be increasing AND how to have the confidence to be more straightforward with her clients while being kind and fair at the same time. This is a juicy podcast episode, I hope you enjoy it!


Are you looking to fill up your books before the holidays?

I can help with that!

In this episode, I’m featuring Kayla, who’s been a hairstylist for 9 years, and I’m coaching her on these 3 topics:

1. “I’m having a super slow month already and I’m shocked I thought I would be getting booked for the holidays! Any advice to get my people back in my chair? I’ve posted my schedule on all sources of social media and not much response.”

2. “I did lose some people when I went on maternity leave for 10 weeks. Also I only work 3 days a week now instead of 5 and I can’t just come in when it’s convenient for my clients like I used to do.”

3. “My main strategy is for people to see my work and get in my chair! I take a lot of before and after pictures of my work and post on social media, but I think maybe I need something to catch their attention other than a picture and saying hair transformation.”


“I’m having a super slow month already and I’m shocked, I thought I would be getting booked up for the holidays! Any advice to get my people back in my chair? I’ve posted my schedule on all sources of social media and not much response.” Can you relate to this at ALL, friend? That was a DM I received from a hairstylist recently! In this episode, I’m sharing several great tips and strategies to get your schedule filled up ASAP! Enjoy…. XO~Gina

Are you doing “all the things” to promote yourself online? Are you posting on social, using hashtags, tagging clients AND handing out countless business cards only to have NONE of it work? I feel you, boo. This podcast episode is from a recent Ask Me Anything inside my private Facebook group. I coached Brit on all of this and MORE! If you’d like to join my private Facebook group where I share daily inspiration, help other small business owners with things they are “stuck” on in their business AND hang with other like-minded people who are working hard to up level their business, click this link:

It’s time to scale your business IF:
1) you have 2-3 clients at a time that you’re working on at the salon

2) you’re the one sweeping the floors and folding the towels

3) you have absolutely NO time to take before and after pictures for your marketing material.

Check out this episode, that was recorded inside my private Facebook group, if you want to learn how to scale your business! (Aka… work smarter NOT harder!)

Do you ever feel burned out? Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Well, my friend, this podcast episode is for you then! Hit play and enjoy!

Sidney and I had a Live conversation in her private Facebook group recently regarding the following:

✔️How to show up relentlessly and fabulously online to serve your ideal client
✔️How to overcome perfectionism and show your fabulous self in a committed and cross-platform way

How FUN does this sound, friend?!?

I hope my insight provides value to you and your business with this podcast episode! Xo~Gina

“I can’t get anyone to buy my extensions!

I have continually offered free installation with purchase of the hair, but no one is buying! I feel like that’s a good deal…maybe it’s not?!” I got a DM from Jennifer saying exactly that! I’m sharing 6 secrets on how to sell the product or service that you want to sell online AND when your client is in your chair! If you ever have troubles selling anything this podcast episode is for you! Xo~Gina

Recently, I opened the doors to Glamhairus Academy, my signature course. It’s a 9 week group implementation program and class started this week! Woo-hoo!

While my doors were open, I got on a free 15 minute coaching call with several small business owners.

Do you want to know what we all had in common?!

We’re multi-passionate entrepreneurs! Meaning: we have more than one way that we’d like to make money in our business. Is that you? If so, you’re going to LOVE this episode! 

Is overwhelm a choice? My belief around that topic is if you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re holding on to old limiting beliefs or you’re not prioritizing your time.

Tune in to hear my thoughts on this topic PLUS learn my 3 tricks to help when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Xo~Gina

What do you do when you have downtime at the salon? This was the question I asked in a private Facebook group with 35,000 hairstylists! I got over 200 responses and I’m sharing what idea sparked for me when this happened, in today’s podcast episode. Let’s be more productive so we can be more successful and make more money, shall we?! Xo~Gina 

On a scale of 1-10 (10 being uber organized) how organized are you? Today on the episode, I’m sharing a behind the scenes of how I stay organized both in my personal life and my professional life! I hope you enjoy this episode, my friend!

Are you a glass half empty or a glass half full kind of person? Today on the podcast, I’m sharing 5 habits that help me stay in a positive headspace most of the time! I hope this episode lifts you up and helps you gain a fresh perspective. Enjoy, my friend!

I go Live every week and coach other hairstylists and small business owners in a private Facebook group! (Click here to join).

I’m sharing a recent coaching call with you on the podcast today!

1) Philis’s question was:

“I know they are renters and I can’t make them do anything but I’m trying to guide them and it’s frustrating that they don’t have the same drive I have. What should I do?”

2) Natalie’s question was:

“How do I appeal to different age groups of clients. I’m 21 so it’s kind of hard to get an array of clients. Also there’s a lot of stylists in the city where I live and it’s not too big of a town. I’m trying to think of ways to get people into my chair and I know it sounds bad, but even take clients from competition if that makes sense.” Check out how I answered their questions! Xo~Gina New to me?

“My clients aren’t pre-booking… I think my marketing on Facebook is working, but I’m not sure…. Maybe my work isn’t as good as what I think it is….” That’s a recent DM I got from a fellow hairstylist (which made me so sad)! I know the feeling, do you? Today on the podcast, I’m sharing the BEST piece of advice when your mind goes “there”! Tune in my friend! Xo~Gina

Have you ever wanted to start your own business, but you’re just too darn scared? This podcast was a recording from my weekly show, Ask Me Anything! I got to coach Shari on mindset and tactical steps around starting her own business! She’s a hairstylist and is feeling burned out, bored and frustrated with her current work situation. Tune in my friend!

“I’m afraid to raise my prices.” Or… “I need to raise my prices.” Do you ever say that to yourself, my friend? If you aren’t feeling confident regarding a price increase, make sure you listen to this podcast episode! I’ve got 3 great ideas for you! Xo~Gina

Do you find yourself scrolling aimlessly on your social media accounts? My friend, STOP that right now! It’s not good for your health! Tune in to my new podcast episode to hear why! Xo Get your FREE Reels tutorial here.

Who doesn’t love a before and after story?! (Especially if it’s transformational, right?!!) Today I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing an interview with my darling student, Tina. She’s gone through my program, Glamhairus Academy, and now is in my monthly Membership! The way she felt before joining the program was: “lost with no direction”. After she went though the program, she said she has much more confidence with what she puts out on line, she’s learning to trust the process AND she feels supported by other students inside the community! Tune in my friend! XO~Gina

As a creative entrepreneur, I believe this is extremely common to have something I call Squirrel Brain. (AKA ADD) Do you have it? Are you having a case of it right now? I’m sharing 4 simple mindset shifts to help with that in this podcast episode! Xo~Gina If this podcast episode helped you out, please share it with a friend! (That would mean the WORLD to me!)

Hey there! One of the biggest mistakes I made in my business (before I figured out how important it was) was NOT collecting thoughtful testimonials from my clients! I don’t want you to waste time and money in your business so hurry up and check out this podcast! After listening to this episode, head to for your freebie!

Friends…. I gotta admit, I was hesitant to share this interview where I was the guest of honor. It made me feel vulnerable because I was very open with something personal to me (that I don’t share that often)! Sidney and I are in a private community with other course creators and she wanted to interview me as a case study for her upcoming book! These are some of the questions she asked me: ~Can you have the same impact online if you don’t show up in FRONT of the camera?

~What’s your strategy for showing up on many different platforms?

~I’m afraid of the haters and the judgy people out there, could you speak to that? Well, we unpacked all of that PLUS my bigger “Why”! I do my best to encourage my students to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. So here I am… feeling uncomfortable! I hope you enjoy this podcast episode! Xo~Gina

“How can I be confident in my hair cutting services and not compare myself to my neighbor?” If you’ve ever asked yourself that, you’ll love today’s podcast episode from a recent Ask Me Anything where Sandy was my featured guest! Tune in my friend! Xo~Gina

Hi friend! I’m sharing how to set up your IG bio (AKA Boss Bio) to attract your ideal client and turn them from a follower into a customer! Remember: You only have 3-5 seconds to grab someone’s attention once they show up on your page, and I believe the most important part of your Instagram page is your bio! Which idea will you implement today on your IG account?

In this podcast episode, I had the honor to interview Beth. She’s a previous Glamhairus Academy student and, currently, she’s enrolled in Glamhairus Academy Monthly Membership! She’s been a dream to coach over the last several months and I love how she opened up and shared her vulnerable side during a recent interview. Have a listen friends! Xo~Gina

Have you ever heard the saying, “If you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one”? When it comes to marketing your awesome product or service on line, you need to identify your Ideal Client, so you can attract the type of client that you want in your chair! Today’s episode was a recording from my weekly Ask Me Anything where I coached Erin on this topic! Xo~Gina

I’m featuring Tina in today’s podcast episode friends! What an EXTREME makeover she had in her hair business after going through Glamhairus Academy! Have a listen! Xo~Gina Join the Academy!

Hey hey fellow hairstylists! Do you want a simple 4 step process on HOW to make money online when you’re not behind the chair? Then it’s your lucky day, because that’s exactly what I’m sharing in today’s podcast episode! Xo~Gina I hope to see you on the inside! Join Glamhairus Academy.

Is this you?

Current idea….

New idea….

Another new idea….

Ok, friend, you have something called shiny object syndrome! There’s a simple way to finish what you start. Let me see if I can help with that! Check out my new episode. Xoxo~Gina

Join my FREE Masterclass Series here:

Q: Are you standing 40-50 hours a week on a hard floor hunched over your clients all day?

Q: Does your back hurt? How about your neck?

Ok… I have a solution for you! Check out this new podcast episode my friend! Xoxo~Gina Join my FREE 7 day Masterclass Series here:

New to me? Start here

Friends, I believe one of the best ways to market your amazing products and services is on free platforms like social media! I taught this idea, in my private Facebook group, to a bunch of other hairstylists and small business owners and I’m sharing it with you today. 🙂

This recording is a behind the scenes look at how I repurpose, batch and create content on all of my social media platforms!

If you like my style of teaching please please please join me for my FREE Masterclass Series! It starts today, here’s the link to join.

Friends, if you’re anything like me, you need to work on your mindset just about every single day! And today’s podcast episode I’m sharing five mindset shifts that LITERALLY changed my business and I want you to incorporate them into your business too! XOXO Gina Join my FREE 7 day Masterclass Series called Eliminate Overwhelm + Create Massive Results here.

Today in the podcast, I’m sharing an exercise called Best Case/Worst Case Scenario that I taught in group coaching inside Glamhairus Academy! If you ever mentally beat yourself up (like most of us do), this podcast episode is for you! Enjoy!! Xoxo~Gina Join my FREE 7 day Masterclass Series that starts on 4/26! Here’s the link to join. The classes are daily from 2:00-2:45 pm CST, if you show up Live everyday I have a special bonus for you!

Friends, I hope you’ll join me in my 14 day Social Media Challenge!

What I’m sharing during the Challenge:

1. customizable templates

2. tips/strategies/ideas on how to show up Live

3. tips/strategies/ideas on how to create engagement on your accounts

4. accountability

5. encouragement Here’s the link to join:

Hi friends! Have you ever worked with a speciality coach? A personal trainer, a therapist or life coach or a business coach? 3 things a specialty coach helps you with: 1. Clarity 2. Accountability 3. Motivation 💜 Sounds exciting, right? Today I’m diving in deep as to what it’s like to work with a business coach! I hope this episode gets you jazzed up and one step closer to your dreams! Xo~Gina Join the waitlist here: New to me? Start here!

Hi friends! Today’s podcast episode is from a Live video I recorded in a private FB group recently! One stylist immediately took ACTION and implemented the strategy in the training and got instant engagement on her social media account PLUS booked up her schedule for the week with this one concept! I hope you find value in this episode too! Please share this episode with one of your friends if you think it will help them out! Xo~Gina New to me? Start here!

“I’m trying to figure out what kind of content to post. Should it be a Reels, a video, a still picture? I just don’t know!” Friend, have you thought those same things? If you have, don’t worry… I got you boo! Here’s 6 simple strategies on how to create the right type of content to grow your audience (and create more sales) on Instagram! Xo~Gina

My friend, do you want to be more productive? Do you want to get clarity around your goals? If so, you’re going to LOVE this podcast episode! I’m sharing 4 simple steps to get more done, in less time, WITHOUT feeling burned out! After listening, please share this episode with a friend that may need to hear this! Xoxo~Gina

I’m sharing how my first experience as a cohost in a Room on Clubhouse went! Check out my new episode, friend! Xoxo Sign up for my weekly newsletters where I share joyful, inspiring and motivational information every single week! Head to Say hi to me on social.

Who else loves an origin story?! I get so inspired when I hear how other business owners started and how far they’ve come! Today, I’m sharing my story! There’s been many twists and turns from being a business owner for over a decade! Have a listen….💜

Are you multi-passionate like I am? Do you have more than one passion that you’d like to incorporate into your business? Let’s talk about how to strategically go about that! Tune in to the podcast where I’m unpacking how it looks in my business and one of my student’s business!

Friends, if you fail to plan you plan to fail! Tune in to this podcast episode where I’m sharing how to be an “inspiration detective”! In this episode, I’m teaching 4 simple and effective ways to get inspired for your content that you’re sharing online. XO

Friends, are you trying something new but feeling REALLY uncomfortable with it? Maybe you took a hard right turn in your business because of the pandemic. Maybe you want to finally achieve that big dream or goal. Guess what? Confidence doesn’t just “show up”! You’re growing if you feel a little bit insecure or uncomfortable with the process! Let me help you re-think the way you feel about confidence. Check out this podcast episode and subscribe to my podcast so you get notified every time I share a new one! Xoxo

Can’t seem to get started with your goals? This ONE idea could change your life! In this episode, I’ve shared four tactical tips to start before you’re ready! If you found this information valuable, please share this episode with your friends! Xo

Friends, if you want to brand yourself, stand out from the crowd and attract high paying clients, you need to take some professional photos! Why? It makes you look more like a professional! (Which I know you are!!) Selfies, doggie pictures and your favorite food on your Instagram account can only take you so far! 🙂 You can use the profesh pictures on your social media pages, your website and on your blog. Have a listen to this podcast episode for a little BTS of how it looks in my business! Xoxo.

Well hey there friend! Do you want to be more efficient with your time when it comes to creating content for social media? I’m sharing a sneak peek of how it looks in my business in today’s podcast episode! Feel free to steal my ideas! Enjoy! Xoxo.