This is what I see other Hairstylists doing “wrong” and (if this is you), how to fix it!

This is what I see other Hairstylists doing “wrong” and (if this is you), how to fix it 🙌🏻
Post caption:
“Spring hair”
“Long and luscious”
“Feeling the vibe”
“Wednesday mood”
“Cowgirl copper”
“New year, beautiful hair”
While these are all fun, catchy verbiage, they are missing ONE -very important- thing!
A call to action! (CTA) 💁🏻‍♀️
If you want people talking in your comments (which will move your content up in the algorithm and show your posts to more of your followers), then TELL them what you want them to do.
Here’s a few examples:
➡️ Would you ever try this color? Tell me in the comments below.
➡️ Which way do you prefer her hair? Blonde or brunette?
➡️ Do you have questions about the extensions? Drop them in the comments below.
THIS⬆️⬆️⬆️ invites your followers to engage. When you have engagement, that can lead to sales -aka clients in your chair.
Do you have questions for me about this topic? Comment below and let me know.
P.S. Check out my Instagram account to see how I apply this strategy to my business