Our baby shower

I can’t believe it. The day was finally here to celebrate. 🎉 🎉 🎉

This day of celebration, our baby shower, represents so many things for me.

It represents the reward for a LOT of hard work. It represents patience, humility, and trust.  It represents the loyalty my fiancé and I have for one another. 

Typically, the baby shower is about the soon-to-be mom and the baby. But on this day, I wanted to showcase my fiancé, Greg.

During our 4 1/2 year process to conceive, he picked me up at my lowest of low. When I didn’t think I could take another shot of medicine or have another procedure done or get another “no, you’re not pregnant” from our doctors, he lifted me up! 💪🏻

I was physically and emotionally going through the pain but he was my confidant, my cheerleader, and my biggest supporter.

There were three things that Greg said to me that really stood out while we were going through the process:

1- “Our life is already amazing, if we get to be parents it will just be that much more amazing!” 💞

2- “If we don’t get to be parents, babe, we can start a bichon farm and raise little bichons!!” 🐶

3- “Babe, you’re already a great mom. Look at these dogs we have. They love you so much and you’re so good to them!” ❤️

We’re forever grateful to our daughter’s Grandmas’ who hosted the event. Our little girl is so lucky to have such beautiful women as her Grandmas!

Two of my dear friends, Kelly and Jasreen, cohosted this magical event. They put together the decorations, the games, the desserts, and the balloon arch (how cool is the balloon arch?!)! 

I share all of this with you, friend, because if you’re in a season of waiting…I get you. In a deep way. But trust me when I say it’s worth the wait. 

How about you? What are you celebrating? Or what are you waiting and hoping for?
