• Winning!

    Hey there my friend… It’s that time of year again. Trees are getting ready to shed their leaves and Macy’s is (already) getting ready for Christmas!! And in that vein, I want to share some behind the scenes preparation for my personal branding photo shoot for my business. If you’re planning on taking pictures for

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  • Ugh-so good

    “No one is you and that is your power.” Whenever I doubt myself and think, “who am I to…!!?” (say no when I know I don’t have time, ask for something when it’s a little scary, change my business concept and trajectory when it’s been the same thing for years), I quickly try to remind

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  • I wanted to be a singer!

    “Life isn’t about finding yourself…Life is about creating yourself.” Vividly I remember standing in my parents kitchen at about 5 years old being asked by and adult (whom I don’t remember, I think a family friend) what do you want to be when you grow up. I excitedly said, “a singer!!” It seemed so glamorous

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