Amy Porterfield is a business mentor of mine and I listen to her podcasts every week. A few months back, she taught on the topic of getting “unstuck”. In that podcast she talked about DSD!Do Something Different. I like that a lot! I thought to myself, how do I DSD? How do I teach tips
I’ve never done this before!
“Like almost every part of my entrepreneurial career, I had no idea what I was doing. But, sister, let me tell you right now, in the absence of experience or knowledge, determination makes the difference between where you are and where you want to be!” Rachel Hollis I read those words over and over again
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I’m engaged! My personal story…
I hope you had the most spectacular holiday with your friends with your friends and family! I got a surprise of a lifetime over the holidays! My honey of 5 years, Gregory, proposed to me on Christmas Eve! I am still in SHOCK! Then the sweetest words of advice came flowing in: “BTW a word
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OMG again?
Hello there! If you’ve heard me say it once, you’ve heard it 1,000 times: I absolutely love what I do! I love the freedom to carve my own niche and I love taking creative risks! It’s been said, though, that the highest reward for good work is the ability to do better work. Looking back,
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Lots and lots
I’ve listened to SO many moving and beautiful stories about how other (some of my business mentors) grew up poor and overcame it. Not only did they overcome it, they became wildly successful!! When I hear those stories from someone like Jasmine Star, I’m in awe of how her parents managed to make the holidays
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Should I share my story?
A few weeks back I was having lovely conversation with a friend of mine who is a small business owner like me. She was telling me about this amazing experience she had on a recent trip. She said, “Omg Gina I had the most inspiring and unique experience with this volunteer group I was a
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Just in case you wanna know who the heck I am, let me introduce myself.. I’m Gina! My friends describe me as loyal, fun, adventurous and hard working. I can be Extra at times and I’m overly obsessed with my business because it’s so rewarding. Pink wigs, a delish glass of red wine, my fur
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I’m feeling famous
Podcasts are getting so popular now because they’re a great way to share stories. For the longest time, I told myself that I need to get out there more and share my story as a guest on one. I did accomplish that goal recently. I was a guest on a podcast called Label Free (how
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Can I share a secret with you?
“Winners never quit and quitters never win.” Hey there friend… Can I share a secret with you? I’m SO insecure about my writing sometimes. In fact, last week I was thinking to myself, “what are you doing?! You’re not a writer. You’re a stylist!! Are you crazy??” The minute I was in freak out mode,