• 3-5 NEW referrals every week! What???

    Wanna know a secret? I’ve been obsessed with being a business owner since 2010! 🙂 But love alone wouldn’t have been enough to get me where I am today! In order to develop this business I’m head over heels about, I took a lot of necessary steps to really hone my craft. I invested time, energy and

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  • Do you struggle with this, too?!

    Hey there hustler! After so many years of feeling overwhelmed because I was wearing “ALL the hats” in my business, to feeling like my schedule was easy, only styling clients that LIGHT me up and making the money I feel I deserve-it feels AMAZING! I’ve been there…For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out

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  • Doors are open!!

    Hi friend, It’s finally here! By now, you might have heard that my signature course for how to grow and scale a successful hairstylist business was in the works… and…. it is officially open for registration!! Woo hoo!‍ For the next week, I’ve opened up this signature course to new students! Doors close on May

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