“I want world domination!” Is what Missy shared with me in a recent coaching call. I gotta say, I LOVE her passion and enthusiasm! (Sounds a lot like me. :)) 💃 Friend, I work with SO many big hearted ❤️ entrepreneurs whether they are in my paid programs or I’m getting to know them and
Will you celebrate something special with us?
Is there something that stops you from really reaching for your wildest dreams?🌈 Is it fear of judgment? Failure? Risk? I, personally, felt all of those things over the last 4 1/2 years while trying to get pregnant. You see, my fiancé and I heard 48 NO’s… (every single month) until we finally heard a
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How to create the right type of content to grow your audience (and create more sales) on Instagram
Let’s play a little game: Two truths and a lie!! Which one is the lie and which ones are true? I’ll go first… 🙂 1️⃣ I have a Chapstick obsession 2️⃣ My favorite holiday is Christmas3️⃣ I used to style Star Jones’s hair Scroll to the bottom and I’ll tell you what’s true and what’s
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Try THIS the next time you’re stressed out about what to wear
Is this you?? You’re a busy gal. You’re a wife, a mom, a dog-mom AND you work full time. You have a family event coming up. You want to look fabulous because you haven’t seen these people in a hot minute. Plus, you know they’ll be loads of pictures on social media, and you want
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How to overcome perfectionism
Hey there friend 🤩! Are you struggling with perfectionism? I get it; the struggle is real. That’s why I couldn’t be more thrilled to share an important message with you… You got this, because I got YOU! 🙌 Here’s how: 1. Know that you’re not alone. So many people I know (including my students, my
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Does comfort zone equal danger zone?
Hi friend, I’m sharing this note with you because, well, I needed to hear it, and I thought maybe you did too? The only way we grow is by hanging just outside our comfort zone! ✨ Xo~Gina P.S. Take a look at this podcast episode where I share how keeping a promise and commitment to yourself is
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Are you a multi-passionate entrepreneur?
Hello there friend! Recently, I opened the doors to Glamhairus Academy, my signature course. It’s a 9 week group implementation program and class started last week! Woo-hoo! 💃🏽 💃🏽 💃🏽 While my doors were open, I got on a free 15 minute coaching call with several small business owners. Do you want to know what
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Quit when business is slow?
Every week I host other hairstylists and small business owners on my Ask Me Anything show! I coach them one-on-one in a Live video and answer their burning questions. 🙂 It’s a way for me to give back to my community and hopefully inspire and encourage others while sharing strategies and tactical steps to help them
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Doors are open!!
Hi friend, It’s finally here!🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉 By now, you might have heard that my signature course for how to grow and scale a successful hairstyling business was in the works… and…. it is officially open for registration!! Woo hoo! 👯 👯 For the next week, I’ve opened up this signature course to new students! Doors close on October