I’m spilling the tea, friend! Here’s the skinny on converting your social media posts in 3 simple steps. ➡️ Mix up that feed! I want you to share behind the scenes of your business, videos of you mixing color, testimonials from your clients, what you do on your day off and how it relates back
Are you thankful for the path you’re walking?
Ever wonder how your life would be different if you chose a different path? Right now, my weeks consist of tending to and having fun with our little girl, styling clients and coaching members inside my online programs. I’m happy I chose the path that led me to where I am today. I feel like
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omg — are you feeling this?
Hi friend, I just want you to know that you are: Amazing ✔️ Strong ✔️ Talented ✔️ Beautiful ✔️ Not alone ✔️ I’m here for you. Xo~Gina P.S. If you’d like to hear my secrets on how to attract high paying clients, comment “CALL” below and we’ll set up a 15 minute complimentary coaching call.
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“I learned that educating my clients online lead to trust.”
There’s only one thing I love more than hanging out with my daughter (well, I love them equally)! It’s coaching other hairstylists! 💯💃🏻✂️ Heather had this to say about her experience inside one of my programs: I didn’t really know what to expect when I signed up for Glamhairus Academy, but what I did know was
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Looking for a sign?
Looking for a sign? This is it! It’s time to step out of your comfort zone when it comes to running your business! Seriously. There’s never been a better time than now. Discover what’s possible when you up-level your online presence, get organized AND think outside the box when it comes to creating more income
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She put the work in and got MASSIVE results
This just MADE my day! Check out what Lisa said about her experience inside my programs: Getting this type of feedback from satisfied students makes it ALL worth it! If you’d like to learn more about my online programs, comment “HECK YEAH” below and let’s chat! Your future business coach, Xo~Gina
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a love note for you
Hi there friend… I wanted to share a few love bombs with you today. I hope it gets your wheels turning and it inspires you to be conscious of what thoughts you allow into your mind on this glorious day! 💜 if you don’t change it, you choose it 💗 success is just a willingness
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My favorite time management hack
How do you prioritize your time? For me (since having my baby), it’s ➡️ what NEEDS to get done in the next 3 hours while she’s napping ⬅️! Those priorities often change daily. Sometimes it’s cleaning the house, sometimes prepping for a class that I’m going to teach inside my paid programs and other times
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If you want more online presence, check this out
Listen up you busy hairstylist! 👂 “Gina, I need help with social media. I struggle with it.” This ⬆️ is what hairstylists inside my private Facebook community, my texting community and my email community tell me ALL the time! Have you said that to yourself too? If your answer is yes, keep reading! Let me deal it