Everyone asked me what the theme was! The problem is: I didn’t have one. “Pink” is what I told them. My honey and I made a plan to host Olivia’s first birthday party at our house with immediate family (all 30! of them). I would not consider myself a stellar “formal party planner”. In fact,
If you’ve run out of ideas to post online, read this!
I steal my ideas from them! 🙀 Them meaning: my clients and my students! ✂️ When one or two clients ask me how to do beachy waves, tease their hair or round brush their bangs, I create hair tutorials on those topics. 💯 When a potential student asks me how to create a better work-life balance, how to
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You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be
Recently, one of the students inside my online program, told me she felt that she was behind. I know EXACTLY how she feels. I used to tell myself that I was “behind” All. The. Time. 🙀 Now that I am aware of that old limiting belief, I look myself in the mirror and say: You’re
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Will you celebrate with me?
She rocked our world. Our daughter, Olivia Porscha Swan, rocked us to our core. My honey and I were hopeful for such a long time that one day we would have a little one to call our own. 🙏🏻 We. Had. No. Idea. We couldn’t have dreamed up how great it would be. She’s so FUN!
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What if everything you needed was already inside you?
What if everything you needed was already inside you? Believe it or not… it’s true. 💯 You may not feel it yet, but imagine the possibilities if you started showing up as the person you wanted to be… today. Consider this your permission to walk the walk and talk the talk, even if you don’t think
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When you have clarity, focus and grit
Man, this feels good! 🙂 6 years ago I was “soul searching” as to what I wanted my business to look like in the future. I knew I wanted to serve as many people as possible, I knew I wanted to scale my business and I knew having a new baby with the way my
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“I’ve seen a 35% increase in profits!”
Are you one of the lucky ones? (To be able to make money doing something you truly love, that is.) 💗 I am, and that’s a gift all on its own! But one of the other great rewards of running my own business has been the flexible schedule which means I spend LOADS of time with
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Do you know who your ideal client is?
Is this you, friend? When I first start working with new business owners inside my program, we often chat about who is actually in their chair. My first question is: do you know who your ideal client is, and is that who’s sitting in your chair 90% of the time? Either they say yes, and
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They were demanding, so could I supply?
If you’re multi-passionate like me, keep reading… I’ve had my own company, Glamhairus, for 13 years. One of my specialities is wedding party and special event hair. 👰🏻 When I set up a bridal hair trial, my clients would ask me what they should put in their hair (regarding accessories) for their big day. ✨ At first,