The BEST thing you can do for your business, friend! ⬇️ Upsell to your current clients! 🎉 >>Statistics say it’s 5X’s easier to sell to existing clients than it is to attract a new one. Let that soak in… You have products and other services they aren’t currently buying/getting that would benefit them- I PROMISE! Here’s how
The reason why I get up in the morning…
I’m taking a poll: on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how much are you into personal development? I’m probably a 12- I’m always looking to adapt new strategies, specifically when it comes to my business. I’ve been a professional Hairstylist for 28 years, I started my own business, Glamhairus, 14
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How I’ve re-committed to my morning self care routine
In a perfect world, I would have time for ALL three every single morning (yoga, meditation and journaling.) But, I’ve committed to doing at least ONE act of intentional self-care every morning so that I’m a better mom, a better fiancé, a better business owner and just overall a happier, more grounded person. 💛 I wake
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When you ask yourself high quality questions, you manifest a high quality life
When you ask yourself high quality questions, you manifest a high quality life. And when you ask yourself high quality business questions, you already know what happens- you manifest a high quality financial (and happiness) reality! 💜 Journal on this, my friend: If I could dream up my most amazing business and career, what would
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What got you here, won’t get you there.
When I’m coaching other Hairstylists, every so often, I gently have to remind one of them: what got you here, won’t get you there (in life and in business). 💯 So IF some old version of you looks like this ⬇️ “That didn’t “work” in the past.” “I wasn’t consistent.” “I didn’t make the time.” “The
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Hairstyling lesson with clip-in extensions
Well, this was FUN! Kati is a CEO of her own company and a momma of 4. She’s been wearing permanent extensions since her first child was born -10 years ago- and wanted to give her hair a break from wearing them. I suggested we try a hairstyling lesson with her custom clip-in extensions that
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You’re in BIG trouble and headed full speed to burn out if you’re doing this!
How are others going to take you seriously if you don’t take yourself seriously?😱 Ask yourself this: Am I prepared on the daily? Am I organized? Am I regularly promoting myself and my services online? Am I dressing the part? Am I professional when I deliver my services? Am I working on my mindset on
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Try this if you’re burned out
Friend, please do yourself a favor and invest in yourself by way of paid education💪🏻💰✂️ I see so many Hairstylists, salon owners and freelance beauty artists DROWNING in burn out, scarcity mindset and lack of basic business skills. 😳 I get it-I was the EXACT same way 14 years ago when I started my business. But… That
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I practiced in front of a live audience
Yes-I recorded this in FedEx while I was waiting for the 16 page workbook to be printed out for 7 people😜✂️ (Every minute counts when you’re balancing your business and being a full time Mommy💛!) Last week I hosted a 4 hour social media marketing class at a GORG salon called Grant & Dunne. Here’s