I’ve never done this before!

“Like almost every part of my entrepreneurial career, I had no idea what I was doing. But, sister, let me tell you right now, in the absence of experience or knowledge, determination makes the difference between where you are and where you want to be!” Rachel Hollis

I read those words over and over again in the new book that I’m reading by Rachel Hollis! Dang, that really resonated with me. I could NOT agree more or relate more with that statement! Why? I didn’t know how to build a team, I didn’t know how to write an on-line course, I didn’t know how to market in a way that would resonate with my existing clients, I didn’t know I had to do A LOT of soul searching to find out where and how I was going to scale my business so I could have an impact worldwide! I didn’t know anything! But I’m trying, learning, failing, brushing it off and doing it all over again! I’m determined! 🙂

How do you feel about that idea? Do you think it’s all about determination? Or is it about something else?

Every January, I feel like I’m looking out at an ocean of endless possibilities. We have 365 days of fun times, hard work and new memories to look forward to, friend! I hope by the end of this year that I’ve grown in ways I couldn’t even have imagined.

What are YOUR big dreams for 2020?

This week, for the first time, I’m doing a 3 day Mindset Challenge! It starts on Thursday and for three days in a row, you’ll get a personalized email from me on how changing your mindset literally changes your life. Because if you think you can or can’t YOU”RE RIGHT!

A sneak peek of the topics I’ll be sharing:
-how your support team is necessary for success
-checking in with yourself (how to do it)
-taking inventory (of your feelings)
-how ABL has been a game changer for me (not sure what that means? I’ll be sharing next week so stay tuned :))
-there’s no such thing as competition
-how to get control of your obsession (like I had to!)

BONUS: If you share the 3 day challenge info with a friend and they join, you get a 4th day free!

If you want to be a part of the challenge simply comment below and let me know!

I hope to see you there!

Alright, friend…That’s it. I’m out. Next Monday, I’m comin’ at you with a special story so keep an eye out, ok?
