If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you!

The purpose of this blog is to make sure you have your BEST week ever! 


I’m going to be sharing: 


✨ Ideas, inspiration & insights to fuel your journey to creating your best life

🦋 An uplifting quote of the week to inspire you throughout the week

💗 Current ways to work with me & level-up your mindset & business 

🤩 Featured weekly content including my latest podcast episode, tutorials, BTS and so much more! 


Okay friend, let’s dive in!!


Here’s 3 things to start/stop doing to maintain and grow a business that you LOVE:


#1: Start managing your priorities which will help manage your time. 


Other stylists always tell me they have no time management, no work/life balance and barely have any time off. 


If your priorities are SUPER clear, it’s much easier to say no to things that aren’t a “HECK YES”, which, in return, helps you accomplish the tasks/goals that are important to you!


⭐ What works for me: Every Sunday, I identify, write down and schedule my priorities/responsibilities for the week. I encourage EVERYONE who works with me – whether it’s in my online programs, one-on-one coaching, or salon owners I have on retainer – to do this.


As creatives, it’s SO easy to get distracted and let others dictate our schedule. So I would recommend making a list of what’s important to you to get done each week (both personally AND professionally), write it down, put it in your calendar and focus on that task when you’re doing it. 


#2: Set goals and write them down daily.


This is a big one that many people don’t do, but is SO important! Writing down your goals keeps you focused on your priorities and helps with self awareness.

⭐ One study shows that people are 42% more likely to carry out their goals just by writing them down.


#3: Stop listening to what others tell you to do unless they’re in the arena too.


If you’re taking advice from a friend or a family member who’s never owned their own business or whose goals aren’t aligned with yours, be very careful. Surround yourself with like-minded people who are doing the dang thing like you are! 

If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.



Dive into featured content & offers created to help you align with your highest potential and attract your wildest dreams!


Join me while we redefine success as a stylist (Hint… it’s NOT being booked solid!) in my 5 day Masterclass Series! 

I will walk you through a proven system to immediately make more revenue without spending more time behind the chair. 

Learn the secret to scaling your business within your current work hours (or less!).





1: How To Create Clarity Around Your Business


2: My Secret Goal Setting Technique, How To Effectively and Efficiently Implement This Technique In Your Business


3: Time Tracking, How To Get More Done In Half The Time 


4: How To Get Out Of That Rut, Bored Stylist Mindset


5: How To Turn Followers On Social Into Customers In Your Chair



Get INSTANT ACCESS to my 5 Day Masterclass series here


You’re going to LOVE this episode on The Gina Scalpone Podcast:

Alright friend – that’s all for now…

I just know that what I’ve shared here is going to be SO useful for you, but remember, if you want something – you gotta get out there and ATTRACT IT!

Let me know if you enjoyed this post; I love to hear your feedback.

May magic continue to unfold for you in the week ahead!
