The top 5 reasons why you’re making excuses not to show up online – and how to fix that!

Do you ever catch yourself making up excuses as to why you aren’t showing up online to promote/market your amazing business?

Do any of these reasons sound familiar?

1️⃣ I don’t have the time.

2️⃣ I don’t know what to post.

3️⃣ I don’t have enough pictures of my work to share.

4️⃣ I’m not good at writing captions.

5️⃣ My posts aren’t getting any engagement, so what’s the point?

Before you keep reading, comment below and let me know: which excuse/reason do you resonate with the most? 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5?

Let me play devil’s advocate for a minute, friend! 😈

If posting online isn’t a priority, then don’t say you don’t have the time. Simply say, it’s not a priority to me right now. If it is a priority, then carve out time 3-4 days a week to create and share your awesome posts! Make an appointment in your schedule like you would for a doctor’s appointment.

Or, carve out an hour at the beginning of the week to create all of your captions and organize your pictures and videos so you are all set for the week.

If you’re not sure WHAT to post, make a note at the end of each day of questions your clients asked you regarding their hair. Create content around answering those questions online.

If you don’t have enough pictures of your work, make it a habit to message your clients BEFORE they sit in your chair and ask if you can take before and after pics. This helps hold you accountable.

Or, use an older photo or video. I know you have archived pictures in your phone that would make for great CURRENT content.

Not ONE stylist I know isn’t good at talking! That’s what we’re paid to do. We make our clients feel seen and heard, we’re somewhat like a therapist with our listening skills and we have LOADS of hair advice for them when they’re in our chair.

➡️ So share some of that insight online for your followers to digest as well!

Lastly, the number of followers, likes and comments you have are NOT paying your bills. Quality conversations that lead to sales plus consistency is the key to conversions (aka making sales) online. So if you aren’t getting the engagement you want, try this: use a clear CTA (call to action) in every post. This encourages your followers to chat in your comments, then you keep the convo going to make the sale.

Here’s a few ideas to inspire you for creative/out-of-the-box content! (Because recording content for social does NOT require having a client in your chair.) 

Try one (or all 10!) of these ideas:

1) do a hair tutorial on yourself

2) set up your station

3) clean up the salon

4) fold the towels

5) share how to use your fav product

6) create a carousel of your fav styles

7) create a carousel from many clients with one type of service

8) video of you mixing color

9) what you do on your day off

10) answer FAQ’s from your clients

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