Hello there, do you want to hear a random fact about me!?
I’ve been a small business owner since May 19th of 2010 (which is the same date that my daughter was born!) How fun. 🙂 And now I feel like I have two babies that I love dearly- Glamhairus and Olivia!
Both of those days represent a pivotal moment for me because they’ve truly changed who I am and how I look at the world.
For example, it truly is such a massive responsibility to run your own business. It’s a lot of work. BUT, the fact that I get to work when I want, with whom I want and my creative possibilities are absolutely endless… that’s the Golden Ticket. That’s what I love most about being a business owner!
Now, being a new mom… that’s hard to put into words. But I would say the most significant change that I feel right now is the ability to love something so much that your heart could literally explode right in front of you, and you wouldn’t be surprised.
I’ve learned through all the peaks and valleys that have brought me to where I am now, that the real key to my success, the one thing that allows me to keep this business going, is my absolute passion for creating an experience with my clients that leaves them feeling a whole lot better than when they first sat in my chair.
In addition, with my online course Glamhairus Academy, I get to help other hairstylists that own their own business, create confidence, clarity and out-of-the-box thinking that changes their perspective and the way they show up in their business.
Both are truly magical.
So, my friend… thank you for joining me on this journey. I appreciate you.
Now share a random fact about yourself by commenting below! I’ll be waiting…