Hey there my friend!
Grab your party hat and get ready to throw some confetti because what I’m about to share will make you want to celebrate!
Are you ready? 1…2…3:
The Gina Scalpone Podcast hit its 1 year anniversary this month with over 2,200 downloads!!!! *blows noise maker*
Having a podcast over the last year has been a GREAT way for me to give back to other small business owners and my local community! I take what other stylists are asking me, and create content every single week for anyone who wants to tune in and learn from me!
I’m sharing this with you as a reminder to stop, smell the roses and look back at what you’ve accomplished! It’s my hope that you’ll have the same experience as these podcast listeners did, who said THIS about their experience when tuning in:
Now THAT’S a cause for celebration, don’t you agree?
P.S. If you left a review already, thank you 1,000 times over! The absolute best way for me to get my message out there and to support more people is for you to subscribe and share an honest review. If you love the show I welcome your support!