If you’ve ever asked yourself: “How do I get those beachy Kardashian waves in my hair for my party this weekend?”, then it’s your lucky day, because I’ve got the answer right HERE!
First of all, make sure your hair is prepped for the big day! What do I mean by that? You should have a fresh color, haircut and keratin treatment (if your natural hair is a bit frizzy and unruly)!
Learn more about keratin treatments here.
I treated Jackie’s hair earlier in the week because she wanted her hair to look on POINT for her twin daughter’s Communion.
This is how her hair looks after a color, cut and keratin treatment with just a little bit of blow drying!

Stylists tip: Make sure you wash your hair the night BEFORE your special event, condition the ends only and skip any flat ironing. This helps the hairstyle last all day for your special event.
Day of: Dampen the perimeter of your hair with Kenra Root Lifting Spray and smooth out the frizzies with a round brush and a blow dryer.
Then divide your hair into two horizontal sections all the way around your head. Spray Kenra Platinun #26 Hairspray on your hair and use vertical 1 inch sections and curl away from your face. I used a 1 & 1/4 inch curling iron to achieve this look.
Don’t forget to leave the ends out when curling to make sure the bottom doesn’t look too “bouncy”! Remember, we’re going for elongated curls for the beachy waves look.

Because Jackie wanted her hair partially pinned up in a ponytail, we added custom clip-in extensions that she purchased from me a few years ago!
We added them to the top of her head to make her pony look extra dramatic and long. We also added them to the sides of her head for more fullness!

Learn more about custom clip-in extensions from Glamhairus here.
Above all, spray, spray and more spray! You can never have enough hairspray on your hair for a special event!

If you’d like to learn more about how to style your own hair, book a hairstyling lesson with me! It’s a 90 minute hands-on styling lesson. Here’s the link.
Have a wonderful day! 💜 💜 💜