Well hey there friend!
I always like to keep things fresh in my business… and on that note, I’d like to share with you 3 ways I stand out from the crowd as a business coach!
1. I care. Sounds simple, but I do! I care about my students’ success as much as they do!
2. Accountability! I gently, but firmly, push my students outside of their comfort zone
and make sure they’re staying engaged during the learning process. You can’t learn anything if you stay inside a comfy box or if you don’t SHOW up!
3. I have a wealth of my own experience, strategies and ideas that I teach to my students! (Many of my students say their favorite part about working with me is the individualized attention they receive!)
It’s things like that, that make me the perfect person to coach you INSIDE of Glamhairus Academy!
What questions do you have for me?
Doors close in a few days and I don’t want you to miss out! Click this link to learn more!
P.S. If you have “other programs” collecting dust on the shelf, the reason why that is is because there’s not a LIVE person on the other end holding you accountable! That’s where Glamhairus Academy is different than other programs! (See option #2 above. :))
Are other programs on your shelf collecting dust?