Emily and Will’s Enchanting Rainy Wedding Day

Emily and I worked together for about six months before her wedding. She really wanted her hair on point (I mean, who doesn’t?!) for her big day!

After meeting with Emily and seeing pictures of her dress and overall wedding day style I suggested a full set of cold fusion extensions. We wanted to make sure her hair lasted all night long regardless of the weather, so decided on installing them months before her wedding so that she could get used to and wear them for her shower and bachelorette party.
In addition, Emily was looking for the perfect hair accessory to compliment her simple and chic dress. I showed her a few options from Glamhairus and she thought the one she decided on was the perfect pop of bling to coordinate with her other accessories and her dress.
Fran, from our team, and I styled all of the ladies at the Knickerbocker hotel on Michigan Ave and her wedding venue was at Cafe Brauer. I wasn’t there for the pictures but I’m imagining that Emily and Will had to be easy going and flexible AND her photographer had to be very creative to nail these pictures.  It was raining all day on her wedding, but I just LOVE the umbrellas and the wet pavement because it looks so Parisian to me! Her amazing photographer was Tim Tab Studios.