“The more you observe, the more you see. The more you see, the more you know. The more you know, the more you dream. And dreaming? Dreaming makes us feel alive. Let’s continue to dream. BIG.”
How great is that quote??? I just LOVE it. I want to always feel alive!
What those words mean to me is to keep going when I’m exhausted. Keep going when I’ve committed to something and I just want to stay in bed and sleep one more hour. Keep going when I’ve tried something so many times and it still isn’t working and I just want to give up. Keep going when everyone else I know is having fun and I need to finish this project for work.
I’m a huge fan of Jasmine Star. She is a business strategist and she says, “just show up.”
Just. Show. Up.
Right before this video I was tired. (Our doggies had bad diarrhea for almost 24 hours, and it kept my boyfriend and I up most of the night.) I was very hot (90 degrees on this day) and my hair looked flat and greasy, and I was supposed to meet my friends for dinner 30 minutes ago!! I really wanted to film this video because I was determined to get it done, and I wanted to give you summer style inspiration by showing you how to shop from you own closet and only buy new accessories!
I said to myself, “just show up.”
So here you go, enjoy.
Featured accessories from Glamhairus in the video:

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